Wednesday, June 30, 2010

1st Family Vacation!

Luke was a great traveler! At just 6 weeks old he took his first family trip up north to Traverse City to meet his great grandparents. We were able to visit for 2 nights and enjoyed every minute watching the 2 of them interact with our little Luke. Everytime Luke would open his eyes from a nap Great Grandpa Johnson would exclaim, "peek!". Great Grandma loved holding onto Luke and touching his tiny fingers and toes. She received lots of smiles from Luke!

4 generations of da boys!

Again...4 generations!

Talking with Grandpa Cooley about something very important. Luke is pondering over what is being said.

Luke is saying one last goodbye to Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Johnson through their front window.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to my eternal husband, my forever friend, and the father of my son. It just keeps getting better and better Ben. I love you.
Happy Father's day to my loving Dad, who has taught me so much and has loved me through it all. I love you Dad.

While Janae was home we all celebrated Father's Day together in Ctown. Mom Cooley made a scrumptious dish of grilled steak, sweet potato casserole, and corn on the cob. Yummo! Luke gave his dad a blue spruce tree to plant in the backyard. The thinking Luke grows so will his tree, and dad and son can watch it grow old together. Cheesy? Probably, but nonetheless a very cute gift from Luke :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Auntie Janae meets Lukie!

Luke found his hands! Now he is trying to become a pro at being able to stick his thumb/fingers/hand/fist/whatever in his mouth!

Luke loves his Auntie Janae!

We loved having Nae up from DC for the weekend! Luke enjoyed playing and snuggling with his Auntie all weekend long!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Luke at 6 weeks! Luke is kicking his legs like crazy, grabbing everything in sight (another great excuse to just pull the hair back!), and his new favorite hobby is blowing bubbles. Lots of action around this household! :)

Luke doing his daily exercises and talking with a few buddies!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cousin Love

Luke met his first batch of Cooley cousins! We've got Abby (the other angel!), Jon, Mom, Aunt Kim, and Mal (my pal!)...and yes we are hanging out in a Holiday Inn Express lobby. That's how we roll. Jon, congrats on the graduation! You Kent read, Kent write, but go Kent State :) Proud of you cuz!
We are excited for Luke to meet the rest of the Cooley cousins at our first annual "Kid's Table Reunion" over Labor Day weekend!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Wakin' Up!!

It always takes Luke a few minutes to enter back into the real world from a cozy nap!!!
This is his first video.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Snuggles and Cuddles

We just can't get enough of Luke! We could snuggle and cuddle with him all day...and sometimes we do :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Family Time!

Luke had a lot of fun spending time with some of his family this weekend! Luke's great grandpa and great grandma Budd, grandpa and grandma Uitti, and great uncle Tom and great aunt Cathy all came to visit. Luke loved having everyone around and he especially LOVED all of the extra hugs and kisses!

Sleeping in his crib!

Last Friday Luke was ready for his nap. He fell asleep in my arms but I decided to once again try and put him in his crib to sleep. I gently laid the little guy down, tip-toed out of the room and waited. I peeked my head in a few minutes later and there he was lying wide-awake! Of course! Then, I decided to wait it out because he hadn't started crying and a few minutes later I found a happily, sleeping baby! Great job little man!