Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kelly's pregnant and Matt's engaged!

The happy couple!

Lukie and Linds watching Dad carve his pumpkin.
" Hmmmm....What exactly is this?"

"Yup. It looks edible."

Showing off Dad's skill. Very impressive!

Luke and Ali. Here's the crazy part. Ali is 2 years old, Luke is 5 1/2 months and check out their size!

Here comes the face plant.

Face plant complete.

I promise, I do feed this child.

My family.

Awwww, we love you Aunt Kelly. Can't wait to meet baby girl Beagle!

Luke loves to play peek-a-boo now! Especially when there are pretty girls around. :)

We had such a fun weekend! Both of our besties were in town to celebrate both of their big news! Kelly and Rick are expecting their sweet, baby girl March 5th and so we threw her a baby shower on Saturday. Kelly, is so beautiful preggers and she is just glowing! She, Aunt Ann, and the Beagle fam also got to meet Luke for the first time. The next day we headed north for Shanty Creek where we celebrated Matt and Linds' engagement! Matt had propsed that Friday and we are all excited for their wedding next summer. We hung out with the Heinig family celebrating the happy couple!


Luke has a now toy in town...his jumper-roo! He's still learning this whole new notion of how to bonce himself up and down. This learning process and figuring it out is pretty darn cute.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Take a Seat!

Luke has mastered the art of sitting up all by himself! We LOVE this new skill. We can just sit him down, hand him a few toys, and wa-la...pure enjoyment.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Pumpkin in the Middle

A perfect fall day to go to the pumpkin patch! Luke loved watching all of the colorful leaves blow in the wind.
... and just before the biggest one landed on him, he zonked.

For us it was a no brainer...we picked the lil pumpkin in the middle!

Luke was such a hit that people were taking pics of this little guy. He didn't know where to look first. :)

Two Teeth!

If you look closely you can see those little nuggets. This is the best picture we have of them...Luke is still a little shy about showing them off.

Our little slobber monster now has two teeth AND we wouldn't be surprised if he popped out some more! At 5 months people, we've got teeth. We swear this child is advanced. ;)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Coach Dad

Luke's favorite coach.
Luke attended his first soccer game to watch his dad's team! Go Huskies!

Ben's team won, again!
Luke has 2 teeth now!!! Both of his bottom teeth came in over the span of one week. No symptoms still but just a lot of slobber! Perhaps he'll have a full pearly grin soon!!!
I'm a lady killer with my baby blues.
He has the banchie smirk...already!

Lukie loved hanging with his favorire Seatle gal pal!

Luke's best bud.
All cuddled with mama and taking an afternoon nap....during the Lions game.
Comfy and cozy for my first chilly walk!
And because I look so cute bundled, here are some more pics.

Phew, eating in a big boy high chair is hard work.
Look at those chunky cheeks! So kissable :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Family Ties

Mama loves hugs too!
Playing peek-a-boo with mama behind the couch. One of Lukester's favs!

All cuddled on our first fall-like Michigan day.
2 handsome men.
Our little growing

New foods requires a first tooth!

Yes, that 's right. Luke popped his first little tooth bud this week! Thank goodness for Grandma C. or we might not have noticed for awhile!!! Luke showed no symptoms of teething (besides drooling, but he's always been a slobber face) and because he's still so young, we hadn't even started thinking about the teeth stage yet! It's his bottom center tooth (whatever that's called). Perhaps this tiny tooth appeared because his body was inspired from his new food! Last week Luke started his rice cereal and he loves it. Basically, this kid loves anything he can put in his mouth!