A tired, water-wrinkled, happy foot. This guy loved his trip to Florida and so did his mama, daddy, Grandma, Papa, Auntie Janae, Great Grandpa Johnson and Great Grandma Johnson. Luke is about to take off on his first airplane ride. He's one excited co-pilot. At one point he was sitting on Ben, leaning across my lap, with his hands and nose smooshed against the plane window watching the lights below. " I love being in Florida!"
Luke's first time in a pool! We weren't for sure how it would go. He loves his bath but we still weren't for sure....He loved it!
The picture below is so cute because we were trying to take his picture but he was in the middle of watching his favorite Baby Einstein video. We would call his name and he'd look and smile. We'd try to take the pic but would miss it because he quicky turned back to his movie. This happened quite a few times. This smile on his face is really saying, " Mama, I've smiled. Now can I just get back to my show???"
Luke's first day at the beach. We went to Ft. Myers Beach for the day. We set our area all up on the sand and couldn't wait to get Luke in the water! As we were about to get in we noticed little fins popping up very close to the shore....sting rays! LOTs of stingrays. We played on the beach here but walked a little further down where there were more people in the water and...nothing else. :)
Luke loved watching the surf splash up...watch out for those sting rays Lukie!
We were so impressed with Luke because as soon as his Grandma gave him the shovel he began trying to dig with it in the sand. We thought to ourselves, " Our child IS a genius...he knows exactly what to do with it!" When we got back home I was telling his teacher Meghan about it and she smiled and said, " He loves shoveling in our sandbox out in the backyard too!" Oh well, Luke. You are still a genius to your mama and daddy.