Here Auntie Meg is in front of her Aveda booth!
Luke downtown with Dad checking everything out now that the construction is all done. I think Luke will be the only guy who misses the construction because there are no more cool trucks to see.
On to Thanksgiving! Ellie was a hit at her first Thanksgiving at Grandpa and Grnadma Cooley's house! We ate lots of yummy food and caught up with some of the people we cherrish the most. Afterwards, we were able to swing by the Budd/Uitti T-day for dessert!
Our sweet, little bean is growing up just way too fast! I wish I could put into these pictures to show everyone her sweetness. Ellie smiles at everyone she sees, wants to be apart of the conversation, and will just snuggle in the nest of your shoulder/neck. We all just love her so much...
Ellie's 4 month check up:
Here are her stats:
Height: 25 inches (75th percentile)
Weight: 13 lbs. 11 in. (50th percentile)
Head Circumference: 16 1/8 in. ( 50th-75th percentile)
Ellie's strength is her loving personailty and verbal skills! She is way more talkative at this stage than Luke was however, we are still waiting for her to roll over. She is just so darn close that at any minute you may hear any of the three of us chanting, " Come Ellie can do it! Roll over!" Luke really gets into it. :)
We love Home Depot! The frist Saturday of every month Home Deopt sponsors a kid project. We have been to 2 of them so far and Luke loves it. My favorite part is the orange smock that the kids can wear...seriously, so cute! Here Lukey is with his best buds...Dylan, Ava, and Ayrton! I am a little sad that Luke can now pronouonce Ava and the days of Wuv Wuv are no longer.
Exciting news: Ayrton is a new BIG brother! Meghan had a girl, sweet Zaydee, yesterday morning. Life now seems even sweeter with our 3 older boys and 3 younger sisters. :)
A little out of order, sorry! But here is sweet Ellie's 4 month pic.
This was the BEST Holiday season! Probably the busiest but so worth it. There were so many fun activities for our family to participate in this year we are reminded of how lucky we are to live in such a caring community. Below our library sponsored a Polar Express night! This event was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Last year the event sold out of tickets within the first day so this year I was at my computer right when the registration opened to get all of us in. Yes, Ellie has her own library card so she can be registered too. :)
The library was closed off to the general public and inside each room had a different activity. Luke participated in decorating a Christmas cookie, seeing Santa, writing a wish list to Santa (this included a fire truck, Bob the Builder book, and a Bob show), listening to the story of the Polar Express, becoming a certified Elf by completing games, making reindeer food (that we put out on Christmas Eve), sipping on hot chocolate, and riding "the Polar Express train" (really a trolly) through downtown Rochester to see the Big Light Show.
Here Lukey is telling us what he wants on his wish list from Santa. Throughout the month it was always the same 3 things...the kid doesn't wavier on his decisions. :)
Listening to the Polar Express!
Some fun news in the Morin household: Ben won an iPad at work! Luke has his own app folder and loves to spend time on it...which we have to limit. My friend once said, " A parent's job is to find out what your child really likes...then take it away...and use it for reinforcement when needed." If this is true then the iPad is perfect for that. :)
And notice how BIG Luke is looking...and like his Dad.
And notice how BIG Luke is looking...and like his Dad.
Ellie is starting to really grab for her hanging toys! She has also mastered the skill of bringing them to her mouth to chomp on. :)
Putting the lights on our Christmas tree!
Our 2012 Christmas card photo!
Adorable and priceless...yes! Truth be told...this is 1 of like 520 shots that we took. Ben is laying on his stomach trying to get the perfect shot and I'm jumping out from behind the Christmas tree trying to get both kids to look and smile at the camera. The joys :)
Lukey's first Christmas gift of the season from Grandpa and Grandma Cooley!
Visiting Auntie Meg at her new salon in Rochester! Luke and his Dad both got haircuts.
Ellie loving on her Auntie!
Grandpa and Grandma Cooley are officially done watching the kids everyday for us. We are so thankful for all of their help and support these last few months! On Monday Jacque will be starting full time! We are so thankful to have such a loving person come be with our kiddos each day and she'll be coming to the house which is an extra bonus...especially on those early mornings with bad roads. Below is a pic of how Ben found Lukey and Grandpa when he got home from buds. :)
Luke and Ellie love on each other all the time! One of my favorites is when Ellie wakes up from her nap Luke will peek through her crib slats and say, " Good morning sunshine!".
My 2 favorite elves decorating the tree!
Doesn't everyone hang ornaments in their undies?
Luke was so gentle and sweet putting the ornaments on...he wanted to find the perfect spot for each one.
Ellie taking her first bite of rice cereal! She loved eating it down. :) However, over the Holidays we have been so busy that we have let this go and instead have just been nursing her. Once school starts up again she will go back to eating rice cereal once a day.
Dad's Grand Plan: Dad wanted to take some family pictures for a special surprise/gift for mom. (They will be celebrating their 40th anniversay on January 13!!!) Below dad is rounding up the troops for our pics after the Christmas Eve service at their church.
The winning shot is below...
A lot more of the shots looked like the ones below...
Our Christmas family pic...
After Christmas Eve service and all of the photo taking we went back to Grandpa and Grandma's to open up gifts. Lukey spent most of his time at the treat tray that Grandma put out. :)
(Aren't those santa jammies adorable?!)
Auntie Nae got Lukey the Polar Express book, DVD, and real train (it even blows smoke!). Below we are reading the Polar Express together.
Coolest gift: Mom made Janae a calendar full of family pictures!
SO happy!
Stud muffin. (with gel in his hair)
I was in love with this red party dress for Ellie! She looked so beautiful! In the back it had a big, red bow. :) I loved it so much that she wore it Christmas Eve and then I washed it Christmas morning so she could wear it again on Christmas day!
Love this pic of us.
Luke loves taking pictures on our camera and lately he can actually get the people in the shots well, somewhat. Below are a few pics that he took after our Christmas service at Kenzington.
We had both of our families over for church service, coney dogs for dinner, and then a movie night with popcorn and mini-cheesecakes!
Grandpa and Grandma Uitti are good sports!
Christmas morning! We loved watching Luke open all of his gifts and the excitement he had for each one. There is just something magical about celebrating the Holidays with children.
Santa brought Lukey his fire truck!
This year we were so fortunate to have my family spend Christmas day with Ben's family! We all had a great day at Uncle Tom and Aunt Cathy's house!! We ate a GREAT dinner, talked with family, opened gifts and just enjoyed being together.
Here is Ellie with cousin Christine.
I love this picture of Mom with her 2 beautiful kids! LOVE!
Gift time!
Aunt Cathy surprised everyone with a special family cookbook! It was a collection of family recipes, family photos, and special! Included in the gift was all of the ingredients and dishes needed to make Grandma Budd's special meatloaf. xo
Mom and Dad enjoying it with us!
The perfect hosts, Uncle Tom and Aunt Cathy!!!
Ben had the best idea this year to teach Luke about the spirit of giving over the Holidays. He took Luke to the dollar store to buy a gift for each member of our family!! Luke was able to pick one thing out all by himself that he thought each person would like.
For Ellie: A Tinkerbell puzzle
Auntie Meg: A toothbrush. This came in a pack of 2. When she opened it he told her that she gets the blue one and he get the red one. :)
Grandpa & Grandma Uitti: An orange sports drink
Auntie Nae: A blue coffee mug
Grandpa & Grandma Cooley: Coffee
Mom: A cupcake candle and purple hairbrush. He told his Dad that I needed a new brush because my other one broke...and it did! The handle snapped off and Luke remembered thoughtful.
Auntie Meg opening her gift! It is a collage of pictures of her salon to hang in her director office. :)
After Uncle Tom and Aunt Cathy's we had Grandpa and Grandma C. and Auntie Nae back over to open their gifts.
Here mom and dad are opening a special Cooley/Sumner picture. Ben and I went up to Sumner (where Dad is from) and took pictures of objects in places around the village that resembled each letter in
Here mom and dad are opening a special Cooley/Sumner picture. Ben and I went up to Sumner (where Dad is from) and took pictures of objects in places around the village that resembled each letter in
C-O-O-L-E-Y and matted/framed it for them.
Auntie Nae made our Christmas EXTRA special by staying with us! Every morning Luke would run downstairs and wake Aunt Nae up! This was great for Ben and I too ;)
Luke watching the Polar Express for the first time! He loved it and we all pretended the main character boy was Luke. Luke watched the entire thing however, we did skip a large chunk in the middle. Every night he asks to watch the Polar Express now. :)
They enjoyed some " Hot, Hot, Hot, Hot chocolate," together during that part of the movie. Cheers!
One of the BEST parts of the break was our Banchie party night. Did we go out somewhere? Nope. Did we get dressed up? Nope...we wore footed pjs. Did we order in food? Nope...ate Ben's mac and cheese. Did we have the BEST time together just hanging out and being with one another? YUP!
I LOVE these girls and can't believe I am so blessed to have them in my life. They are my friends that time may slip away from seeing each other... yet time has no impact on our friendships.
Watching the banchie hubbies bond and have just as much fun as us...priceless. Now, we just need them all to move over here.
Sweet Ellie is 5 months old! Look at that beautiful face, I'm in love.
The perfect loves of our lives.
Adorably chunky, slobbery, and cute!
This break we have had lots of fun in the snow! Ben and Luke took a walk through our park where the white snow is pristine and untouched except for the few deer tracks here and there. I know some people think I am crazy but the snow is just beautiful!
We even had fun sledding in Grandpa and Grandma Cooley's snow!