Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Blockbuster Weekend...

This past weekend we were able to take a road trip across the state to visit the newest Ulrich...Baby Ben!

Below is Ellie and I just hanging out Friday afternoon waiting for Ben and Luke so we could hit the road. Luke is still going to Ms. Meghan's Monday, Wednesday and Friday so that us girls can get a chance to relax together. When Lukey is around it is a different story so I LOVE the time that I get alone with my girl. Plus Lukey LOVES his Meghan, Ayrton, Dylan, and Ava.
After the LONGEST stretch of road construction EVER we all were in desperate need of a break. Here I am feeding Ellie in the car and I caught Luke and Ben on camera through my window. This "break" has become a tradition for Ben and Luke. Lukey knows that when it's break time he gets to run around and play ball with Dad. He loves it and constantly asks when we can take a break while we are driving. :)
Also, notice Lukey's run! He sticks out his right elbow and flaps it up and down like it will make him run's  pretty funny.
4 1/2 hours later (!) we made it to Grand Rapids. For being such a good sport, Ben stopped to get Luke a chocolate milk. :)
We made it to Brian and Molly's to meet the sweetest little boy, Ben! Little guy is only 5 dys old here.
It took Luke a little bit to warm up to Lucy the dog but once he got comfortable he loved her!
We love spending time with these guys and we are so happy that Ben is now here!
The next afternoon we put Ellie in the Bjorn and all 3 of us went for a hike in the park's woods. We made it all the way down to the river where Lukey had fun throwing acorns and rocks into the water. Luke made it through the entire hike until we reached the street. Then Ben was carrying Ellie in the Bjorn and Luke on his shoulders...what a guy. :) Luke was just a little exhausted after a quick trip to G.R. and all of the hiking. Here he is literally falling asleep while chewing his food...what a trooper.
Elle is now blowing a ton of bubbles, cooing back when we talk to her, kicking her little legs, giving such big smiles, and loving to look at her toys. She's such a sweetie. We are beyond blessed to have these little angels in our life.  

Thursday, September 13, 2012

2 BIG Milestones!

 First: It's official...Elle is a social butterfly! We have a smiling girl :)

Second: Luke is on his way to being potty trained! We are almost done with the 2nd week of being in big boy underwear or as Luke says...Lukey's underwears :) Below is a picture of him going poop for the first time in the potty...we'll spare you the details.
 " Talking" to each other.
 A sweet close up of our angel.
 This is what I am blessed to see each morning next to me in her little cradle...and all of the other times during the night too. :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

The last of our summer...

 Elle is one month and it is crazy that a month has already gone by! We have been so busy with many visitors and we have loved every minute spending time with everyone. Elle grew out of her newborn clothes just after being 5 weeks old! She is now sporting all of her cute 0-3 month clothes. She is also now staying awake for more time during the day. She will eat and then be awake for about 30 minutes before dozing off again. Her neck is getting so much stronger and she will now prop herself off your shoulder to be able to look around.
 Spending a day with Thomas the Train, Bob the Builder, and Sir Topham Hat at Huckleberry Railroad! Grandpa and Grandma Cooley took Lukey on a fun trip to the park to meet his very favorite characters while Ben and I were able to just have a day with Ellie.
 Lukey even got to RIDE Thomas the Train!
 Luke loves watching and reading Bob the Builder shows and books...they are his absolute favorite. He will go around the house saying, "Mom, I'm Bob," and then he'll come to me a few minutes later and say, "Mom, I'm Luke again."Bob was there in full costume but it was just a tad too much for Luke and he just wanted to watch him from afar. He told his Grandpa, "You go shake his hand Papa," and of course Grandpa did. :) Later when I asked him why he didn't shake Bob's hand he told me, " Lukey bigger. I want teeny Bob." Translation: When Luke is bigger he'll shake his hand. Right now he wants a tiny Bob.
Below Luke is meeting all of Bob's trucks! 
Two of our favorite families came for a visit! The Heinig family came over the next afternoon! Luke had so much fun playing with his gal pal, Ali!

 And the Brang family came for a visit too! Luke loved playing with his buddy they are showing off their cake eating skill.
Elle and I were able to go to East Lansing for the 1st State football game! No, we didn't go to the game but instead ate yummy pizza at the Pizza House. Bing and I had some ummm "bonding" in the van and it was great to see Kate and Kristin! Ellie loves her banchie aunties!!!
 Lukey and Carson hanging with their cute sissies. I love Carson's sweet face in this picture!!!
 Precious...even though Ellie's face is all red probably from Luke holding her too tight. The beginnings of "brotherly love" towards his baby sister.
I LOVE this picture! Luke absolutely LOVES mowing the lawn with his Dad. He will mow and "work on the yard" the entire time Ben is out there. He even has his "work hat" like his Dad. This also cracks me up because he always sees Ben fixing the mower so now Luke pretends to fix his mower too before he can go out!
We were also able to spend some time with Grandpa and Grandma Uitti. Look at all of the love in this picture!!! Ellie loved snuggling with Grandma and sleeping on Grandpa and Luke loved playing downstairs with Grandma in the tent. :)