I left Ellie in her crib and Luke was playing with some of her toys....when I came back in Luke was IN the crib with her toys! Ellie is not for sure what is going on...She's a trooper. :)
Luke at his swim lessons! We are SO proud of him. We signed him up for the 3-4 years old class because I was really trying to avoid going in the water with him. They allowed him to sign up but said we would have to see how it goes. Just after 7 classes Lukey passed the class and is now onto Junior Step 2! These are the benchmarks he passed to move on:
- No tears in swim class for 3 consecutive classes
- Independent barbell kicking
- 10 second breath control in underwater dip
- Sea otter- back float 5 seconds (assisted)
- Octupus- front float 5 seconds (assisted)
- Pulling paddle 5 ft. (unassisted)
- Climb out "elbow, elbow, tummy, knee" (assisted)
- Jump, turn, swim to wall (assisted)
- Rollover front to back (assisted)
- Rollover back to front (assisted)
...and the biggy.... Superman glide 5 ft! This is swimming underwater for 5 ft. all by himself!
The cutest Easter bunny around hanging out with Grandma!
Watch the superman glide for yourself! He did it...he did it...he did it!
ABC's.. love when his eyes cross to look at the microphone :)
This is one of my FAVs! This is Ellie eating with her favorite nanny Jacque. SO sweet.