Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Happy Easter!

Ellie is 8 months now and she is our little ray of sunshine everyday. She is little Miss Happy with not really a care in the world. We had to lower her crib because she was starting to pull herself up by holding the railing. She is all kinds of blowing raspberries. She giggles when playing peek-a-boo and when Lukey is being silly. She is transporting herself all across a room by the method of crawling yet! She still is a toothless beauty and we love her gummy grins. :)
Ellie's favorite girlfriend moved to Michigan! We are so happy that the Brang family is back in town...Laney just turned 1, Happy Birthday pretty girl! xo
Ellie is standing! She hasn't mastered pulling herself up on her own yet but loves to stand once she is up.
We had such a wonderful Easter this year spent with friends and family! On Saturday, the Easter bunny visited Ayrton and Zaydee's house! Luke, Ayrton, Dylan, Ava, and Dominic had so much fun playing all together again and finding the eggs in  the backyard. :)
Lukey and Ayron's trophies...
On Easter morning we were able to see Ben's side of the family for an Easter brunch at our house before leaving at 12:30 for Flordia! Ben made tasty French toast and the rest of the family brought dishes to pass like quiches, muffins, fresh fruit, sticky ALL taseted SO yummy and it was great being able to celebrate Easter with our family.

....Florida pictures to come....