Happy Father's Day to an incredible, loving, patient, fun Daddy! We started the special day with a egg/ham breakfast casserole dish served over steamed spinach...yummo! Dad was also surprised with a special interview/picture from Luke and Elle.
Happy 1st Father's Day Dad from your baby girl.
Ben wore one of his Dad's shirts to church to celebrate Father's Day 2013!
You know summer is in full swing when the water table and pool are brought out! Today was Elle's first time splashing around. Check out those deliciously, chunky thighs!
Luke is such a tender big brother always giving Elle cuddles, hugs, and kisses...melts my heart.
Lukey learned all about sending mail today with Mommy! We talked about home addresses and why we have them. He learned that a letter must have a stamp and the "house number" for the mailman to know what house to send it too. Here is a special letter to his buddy Carson over in Grand Rapids!
This summer our house grew by one more! No we are not pregnant!!! Auntie Meg moved within us! We have had to much fun having Auntie Meg at our house!
While I was in NYC for work Ben and Auntie Meg took the kids to Rochester's Fireworks...this was Elle's first time!
And then the 4 of them took off for the U.P. to go visit with Aunt Pam and Grandpa George! Grandpa and Grandma Uitti went up to visit. I loved knowing that my family was having such a nice visit while I was away.
Here they are at their 1st stop at the Sugar Bowl in Gaylord!
All dressed for the pool! They stayed in St. Ignace to break the trip in half for the kiddos. Ben and Meg got to stay in the same hotel that they used to stay in when they were little!
They both crossed over the Mackinac Bridge for the first time and here is Lukey on the shores of Lake Superior!
We love you Grandpa George!
Below is reason 1,178 why we LOVE living in Michigan...
Ellie learning a few tricks from her Auntie Meg on how to do her hair. :)
Luke's first trip to the movies was a BIG success! He loved everything about it and only got out of his seat once to go potty!
Giving his ticket!
Vitamin Water and Popcorn are his top picks for movie day!
Luke loved Monster's University and perfected his roar for everyone in the lobby.
Splash Park in Ctown with Grandpa and Grandma Cooley.
Summer time is the perfect time to enjoy nakey babies!
We decided to switch Luke's dentist to my own dentist in Clarkston. Luke loved all of the extra attention including how they decorated the room with balloons and stuffed animals. Gotta love Dr. Mercado!
Ellie has found her very own hiding spot! She LOVES to prop herself up on this little bench. If no one goes to find her she will start calling for you! She thinks she is pretty funny stuff!
Elle, You are such a beauty inside and out. I love you, Mommy
Updated month and year pictures...How does time get away so fast?!