Sunday, November 24, 2013

We fell in LoVe with Fall this year!

Luke on his first hayride ever! Luke went with his preschool on a field trip to the pumpkin patch. He had fun running in a corn maze, riding on a hay ride, and picking out his very own pumpkin to take home. :) Ellie tagged along with Jacque and had a great time too!

Of course with best buddy Ayrton!
Preschool buddies...
And of course his most favorite buddy of all...Miss Elle.
By Halloween Ellie got the hang of saying, "Pumpkin!". Her other words in her arsenal right now include Dad (her fav), thank you, all done, woof woof, neigh neigh, bumble bee, Papa, Mama, quack quack, bye-bye, hi (when playing with her phone!), and cracker. 
After much thought and reflection Luke picked out his very own pumpkin!

Ellie is still going to Meghan's house on Thursday mornings to have some girl time with Zaydee. We love that Ellie is growing up with our wonderful Meghan (just like Luke!) AND has a little bestie to chum around with as well! Gotta love the fine motor skill activities...
Luke goes singing around the house, " Ellie Marie! Sweet as can be. Ellie Marie! Sweet as can be." Ellie is still such a sweetie but the older she gets the more she's realizing just how cute she is...let's just hope that she doesn't catch on anymore!
Soft, whispy pigtails, baby jeans, and a cuddly North Face...
Out to eat at Red Robin with Grandma Uitti!
Ellie loves when we pretend we are buzzing like a bumble bee to tickle her under the arm. "Bumble Bee Bumble Bee come from the arm...Going to get Ellie right under the arm!" Hence, she can say bumble bee and I knew that she had to be a bee for Halloween this year.
Below are pics of the kids on Luke's field trip to the local retirement home to ask for treats from the staff and to show off their cuteness to the residents. :)
Luke wanted to be Bob the Builder AGAIN this year. He hasn't been watching the shows or reading his book as much but he's kind of like his Dad that he liked it so much last year...why change? I talked to him about maybe wanting to be something else and after much thought he got excited about either being a cowboy or fireman...So, fireman is what we went with and maybe next year cowboy!
Trying to grow out Ellie's bangs so we are rocking the top notch pony around here. :)
It's Halloween Eve! We had fun carving our pumpkins before leaving to Trick-or-Treat!

Yes, Ellie even tried eating the pumpkin. :)

So excited to actually be able to trick-or-treat-this year!

AND this was the best pic we could get of the 2 of them with Ellie being such a busy body!
But this guy on the other hand...
This week had been so busy with us up at Traverse City that we decided to go trick-or-treating solo. We missed the other kiddos but it was nice to just go at our own speed especially on a rainy night. :)
It was so rainy and cold but the kids were troopers and had a blast!
Ellie did her own trick -or-treating this year and when we tried to put her in the stroller (to keep her dry!) she was not having 10 houses or so and the Morin family was done.

As soon as we got home the wet, soggy costumes came off and into a nice warm bath. Then, my favorite part sorting the candy in our jammies.
Here is Ellie's stash...
Ellie loved putting the candy in and then taking it back out of her pumpkin. She's a busy lady with a big job to do.

Lukester's Stash....and his favorite, a red sucker. :)
Happy Birthday Dad!

We were able to buy my parent's neighbor's swing set! Here are the guys taking it down and loading it up on the truck to take back home. 
Thank you guys for all of your hard work!
And, of course the ladies!