"IF I could just get my foot in here...ugh!" Out of all the toys and the box that Grandpa and Grandma sent a gift in is still the biggest hit.
Playing with the magic toys that Gpa and Gma Cooley sent! Thanks guys!
Luke writing his name on all 34 of his Valentine cards! He was determined to finish all of them. When I asked him how he was doing, " Fine Mommy. I have work to do," was the response I got. It looks like I have 2 of them on my hands now. :)
Ben had Valentine's Day off and got to take Luke to his party at his preschool. SO fun for them! I asked him to take a pic of the kids before they left...This is the shot I got.
Showing me all of his Valentine's from his little buddies. I loved seeing his Valentine's Day bag that he decorated. My third graders did the same thing that day...Can't believe it!
Brotherly love. Little Miss is exuding her independence lately and trounces around the house like she is pretty big stuff. Almost too cool for a hug from Brother...
Well, maybe not quite that cool, YET.
When there is a night when the Morin household is on the verge of falling apart to the point of no return, there are 5 secret words that I bring out from my hidden stash of mommy weapons...BATH TIME IN MOM'S BATH! This results in immediate obedience of cleaning up toys, potty, brushing teeth etc. and then they play for 15 minutes peacefully in an enclosed area while I can sit on my little black stool and just watch and laugh along. :)
I found this idea on the wonderful world of Pinterest and we had so much fun with it! We put a new heart on each of their doors leading up to Valentine's Day so when they woke up they each had a new warm fuzzy to see.
The 2nd day of the heart receiving Luke was catching on to the whole idea of it. When Ben and I came home from work we found our own bedroom door with our own warm fuzzies on them. Jacque told us Luke wanted to make them for us too....Oh, my heart be still. It brought tears to our eyes.
Who wouldn't love this sticky, gummy, gooey face?!
To my Mom and Dad and Florida...Ben wanted you to see the depth of our snow. :)
Elle was in a photogenic mood so I snapped away and indulged in her little tomato soup cheek-stained grins.
NOW, look at this face below. Don't tell me that she doesn't think she is large and in charge!!!
Luke building his masterpiece...A movie theater he says.
Looking JUST as handsome as his Daddy in this pic.