Saturday, September 27, 2014

The air is feeling crisp...Starting Fall 2014!

 We needed more space for the kiddos to hang their backpacks and jackets for school everyday without Mom or Dad trying to reach them! Independence is KEY to get everyone out and ready in the morning by 7:15! So, Elle and Dad are hanging up a coat rack just at the right level for the kiddos.
 Happy girl!
 Once the door closes we hear jumping on the bed, "Jesus songs" being sung, books falling of the book shelves, knocking at the door etc. However, once they do fall asleep, it's pretty cute. This pic was taken the first time we found both of them sleeping in the same bed. :) Since then, we've had numerous face plants in books, totally zonked, in one of their beds. 
 Ben got a new job!!! We are so thrilled to announce that Ben took a job on the Leadership Team at Oakland Schools! His first day is October 6th and we are so excited about this new adventure. Ben surprised me at my school, all dressed up, after his final exit interview with the superintendent there. I was at my teacher desk chit chatting with Patrice, my awesome student-teacher, when I heard him through the window. I knew right away he had gotten the job! He had my parents pick up the kiddos, brought me a dress to change into, and off we went for a celebratory dinner at Morton's Steakhouse! 

Cool Fact: We have this same picture that was taken 7 years ago (same table!) when Ben got his first counselor job at Lakeview. :)
 Luke's gang off to his first BIG 10 football game! Michigan lost, by a lot, but Luke thought it was the coolest experience ever.

 Ben told me that there was a moment when Luke first saw the big M outside the Big House that he hopes he always remembers. Luckily my man was thinking and shot this picture below...

Elle just getting ready for Fall. I think this is a clue that we should finally turn our heat on.
 Grandpa Johnson, (G.G.), turned 90 years old!!!!!!!!! Happy birthday, G.G.!! We are so happy that Grandpa is doing so well these days. He is still living independently part-time in Traverse City and part-time in Ft. Myers. He walks one mile in the morning and 1 mile in the afternoon. He claims that you should eat broccoli and blueberries everyday and stay away from any coffee, pop, or alcohol. Well...
 Here we are at his surprise 90th birthday party at Boone's in Traverse!
 She didn't eat a bite of her dinner but the cake...she clearly didn't hear her G.G.'s advice.
 Grandma was with us in spirit...
 The same weekend we were all able to stay at Janae's new house on Lake Leeland and it's amazing!!!

 Out to breakfast on a very windy, chilly, rainy day at Bubba's in Traverse. Yummo!

 Luke and Ayrton at Yates Cider Mill with their preschool class!

 And of course, Mikey.

With the taste of apple cider and sugar donuts we know Fall is here!