Monday, February 16, 2015

Settling in to being a family of FIVE!!!

1 week old!
The beginning of their brotherly love...

Patrice, our awesome nanny and my long term sub for my third grade class, stops by!
Luke's fever and problem.
Elle is the sweetest little mama and she adores her baby brother. She calls him her buddy. "Where is my buddy?" she always asks. 
So sweet.

First outing as a family of 5! We made it out, all of us!, to the Fire and Ice Festival downtown Rochester for ice skating and fireworks! 
We met up with our neighbors and Luke and Jenna snuggled in to watch the firework show!
This is how we roll at the counter top now. :)
Open swim with Dad before he goes back to work...
My fabulous third grade them.
Grandma Uitti came to help us out for the week! We all LOVED having her here!!!
Auntie Meg came to hang for Drew's first bath. :)
And here we go... We had lots of helpers in the kitchen!

Success. Drew loved his bath!

2 weeks old!

Not quite back to birth weight by Drew's 2 week appointment but we scheduled a weigh in at his 3rd week mark to check-in with his growth and boom...he passed it.
Grandma, come back and see us soon! The kids loved all of the extra hugs and kisses. 
Cute babes.

So, another Dad and Luke twinsie shot and this time...while lovin' on baby Drew.
Superbowl Sunday at church!

What are each of the 3 kiddos up to these days???
Elle is cross-dressing head to toe in Luke's clothes when she is supposed to be taking her nap... 
And when her baby is hungry she feeds her with her "mommy bottle"...yep. :)
Drew is killing it on his play mat.

And looking pretty cute.
Luke spent 45 minutes looking at his undersea book and drawing the coral reef picture himself. He spent so much time looking at every detail from the picture in the book and trying to replicate it himself. :)