Sunday, April 2, 2017

We be MARCHing into Spring!!

The last few weeks of March brought in some warm, sunny days and we were soaking up all the refreshing feels that can only come on a much anticipated Spring day!
Blueberry muffins on the steps after school and then all three jumped on the swings.
Elle brought me a beautiful, purple flower that she found. Look at that sweet face.
And that night, we took a break from the driveway basketball game to eat dinner outside!
My 36th birthday and I have so much to celebrate and be grateful for. Ben had Auntie Megs come over on Friday night to watch the kids and he surprised me with a dinner downtown Rochester at the Rochester Chop House!! Yummy!!
Saturday morning, we woke up to a rainy morning and this made the perfect time to keep celebrating with my all-time favorite Disney princess movie Beauty and the Beast and it did not disappoint. The four of us LOVED it and were singing the songs the rest of the day around the house!
Drew loved the parts he saw and only was frightened when we first saw glimpses of the Beast but he fell fast asleep and cuddled on my chest the rest of the show. It was wonderful.
That sticky, sweaty, beautiful face.
Afterwards, lunch at my favorite National Coney Island for hanis!! And then a family game night!
Below are some clips from us playing Feed the Woozle. This is Drew's fav right now. He is so sweet because he always misses the Woozle's mouth and drops the food pieces just in front. However, he just picks them up again, feeds the Woozle, and then flaunts around so proud of himself.

The next morning was my actual birthday and I woke up to beautiful sunshine shining inside and the sweetest birthday song. :)

Opening up a bunch of love from family and friends. I am so blessed. This card was from Luke and Elle and Luke could barely contain his excitement because he stuck one of his dollar bills he had earned and was so excited for me to open it. The sweetness and love behind this makes this mama's heart pitter patter.
Look at the happiness on Luke's face! Pitter patter!!!
Morning jammie birthday snuggles...
These cute, pudgy fingers loved opening the cards with me! :)
We finished up our last swim school practice from Papa and Gma Cooley! The kids grew so much as swimmers and we are thankful they have this experience!
At their last class they got to be in lanes right next to each other! They were so excited and kept waving to each other. :) The pic above is a perfect depiction of these two: Luke focused on what his  next task will be and Elle is making friends with everyone in her class.

We love this Daddy so much!!

For the 2nd year in a row Ben has run a mini bracket for just us for the March Madness basketball games. Last year I won and this year the winner was LUKE!!! The winner always gets an ice cream and Luke is pretty excited to be getting his! He loves competition, he loves winning, and he loves ice cream. Score for this kiddo!
Luke is squeezing as much reading as he can to finish his March is Reading Month out strong! Going back to the whole competition and winning thing :) Drew loves to listen to the Henry and Mudge series when Luke reads.
Elle had a Muffins and Moms event at her preschool and we had so much fun!
Ellie with her girls Lilah and Edie decorating their place mat project...
Beforehand, Ms. Karen prayed about each of the students and then wrote up a blurb about what she heard God speak to her about each child. These are the words she presented to Elle. Love this special, little girl.

God's beautiful fairy...

A little dancing is always in order for a great party!
Luke and Elle have a monthly family contribution chart that we started last year to help them keep responsible for their daily contributions but to also begin teaching them about money...How to save it, spend it, and give it. This was Luke's completed chart at the end of March but here is the extra cool thing that we were so proud of him for...He did the math correctly all by himself! He added the total amounts of money from each category, then added all of the category totals together and then subtracted from the final amount the correct amount of money from his timeouts over the course of the month. He handed it over to us just like this and when Ben checked the amount he was to get paid Luke had figured out the correct amount of $5.90 all by himself. First grade people. We are so thankful for his awesome school and teachers and for his love of learning.
Elle wrapped up her month with Charlotte's birthday party!! Here are some pics her mom sent me from the party...It's her "girl group" from her preschool. :)
Rapunzel showed up to surprise everyone! " Mom, the REAL Rapunzel came!!"
We took a bike ride to the park after the party and the princess below is sulking because she accidentally stepped in a puddle and soaked her shoe and sock.
Who can make it all ok....Luke, the best big brother, of course...He had her laughing in no time. :)
Drew LOVES being outside again! He loves walks and bike rides are his jam! The park is the hot spot for everyone.
Drew is just starting to sing his ABC's... you have to wait a sec but then you can hear some of it. :)
This ride is now full...