Sunday, April 22, 2018

Our Math Pentathlete!

This day. This kid.
 Luke joined a new club at the start of the school year called Math Pentathlon. He met with his two coaches and cohort (2nd and 3rd graders) group every Tuesday from 5:45-6:45 at his Elementary school. At this club, he met new buddies and had a blast practicing different math/strategy/problem-solving Math Pentathlon games. At the end of the school year, he had the chance to compete at a tri-state tournament to play these math activities against other students his age from Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana.
So here we are at the end of the year tourney. Ben volunteered to be one of the table coaches so both of them got to Bloomfield Hills High School at 7 am! The other littles and I showed up after lunch. 

Below is what the 2 gyms looked like in the high school. Wall to wall people! Play Where's Waldo and try to spot Luke at his table competing in his match. :) 
Let the gaming continue...

The two cutest cheerleaders at a math competition there ever was...

We happened to be sitting with Luke's pediatrician Dr. Antone and his wife Rachel. His two sons were competing as well representing a different school district. It was fun chatting with them! When his son Charlie came up from his last table we were all asking how he did. He was telling us he had won 2 out of the 5 games that day. I texted our families and told them, " Sorry, Dr. Our kid is smarter than your kid." Totally kidding but it was a good laugh! :)
At the very end, all of the competitors joined together for the ending ceremony. Over 600 students competed.
(It was a VERY long day, and I got there at noon!)
(Side note: Drew is obsessed with his Lucky Guy hat from Gpa and Gma C. and wears it everywhere he goes. We have found him wearing it in bed while he was sleeping.)
Drum roll, please...And Luke was a GOLD medalist! He earned a perfect score in all of his matches!!! My mommy's heart was exploding with pride. Clearly, he gets it from me. :)  

Pictured below, Luke is with all of the other perfect score competitors from the day! He is the 3rd one in from the left.
To add all of the emotions and pride all into one and on TOP of it all, Ayrton was also a perfect score medalist! These 2 best buddies from 8 mos old and on and they both earned top honors, both representing Rochester School District but from different neighborhood schools! I told Meghan, Ayrton's mom, she must have had quite the mathematically advanced homecare to raise these two whiz kids!
And there they are in all of their glory. :) Now they are playing football together this season on the same team! Once they move on from elementary, they will attend the same middle and high school together.
Thank you Coaches Josh and Sara for a fun season! Ellie and Adeesh, we are proud of you!
My heart. I am blessed and grateful!

Luke, we are so proud of you sweet boy. You worked hard to compete here today but you were also kind and courteous to all of your opponents. You were polite and respectful to your table coaches. You had fun and laughed during the games and you never took yourself too seriously.  Congratulations, Luke! We love you!!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Cousin Love

This blogpost is the first time that our kiddos got to meet their sweet cousin Harlow! 😍 Due to the hospital having a ban on young children visiting because of the flu, our three had to wait until she got home to meet her. They were so excited to meet her and kept asking for "their turn" to hold her. We all adore her!