These goofballs dressed up for soccer practice! Elle is Caitlin Clark. :) Look at how warm it is outside!
Carving time. I love that Luke and Elle are able to carve on their own now.
Our kids were into using props this year and we're here for it!
Riley's mom swung by to pick up Elle to head over to the McGregor Halloween parade to surprise Drew and Wyatt. The girls were twinning at middle school for Halloween!
Luke and Gabe!
The Cosbeys and Zelinskis hung out for the night and we had so much fun! We were all over the place with all the kids running around, and at one point we all ended up at the Cosbeys' neighbor's bonfire.
Eating our tradition of walking tacos, getting Halloween ready, and Luke saying goodbye to find the rest of his waddle friends.
This Halloween we've got a penguin, a Tigers baseball player, and a scary Raptor baseball player!
Luke found the rest of his crew and had fun trick or treating with them!
Sorting and counting all the candy.
Sweeter than any Halloween candy...
Happy Halloween!