Sunday, May 30, 2010

Luke is getting so big, so fast!

Luke cracks us up when we read to him. He actually looks at the pictures and pays attention while we read!
The ladies call me Mr. Adorable!

All snuggled in for a walk.

" Hello world. I have to wear these silly mittens because mom is nervous to cut my fingernails."

Luke's feedings are going well and he's waking up around 3 times a night right now. I usually stay up with him for his midnight feeding, then he wakes up around 4 am, and again around 7-8 am. But who knows, this sweet little boy is on his own schedule so this could all change at anytime. :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Birthday to 3 of my besties!

Luke gave a little grin today because he wanted to wish Kate, Bing, and Kel a very happy birthday!!! We love you girls and can't wait for you to meet this lil guy!

1st REAL bath!

Luke loved his first bath! However, getting out of the warm bath water was a different story!

Sisters are now Aunties!

Just finishing up tummy time with Dad and Aunt Meg.

A special shout out to Kate who just graduated from UNH! Congrats Kate! We are so happy for you!

Snuggling with Auntie Meg for the first time!

Luke has been able to spend some q-time with a few of his aunties! He was so excited to meet Aunt Megan and Aunt Kate! Luke sure loves them both soooooo much!

2 Week Check-Up!

Look how much Luke's grown in just 1 week! Now check out the scale... Luke had lost some of his weight in the hospital but quickly bounced back even surpassing his birthweight! He's an eater...anyone surprised?!?!

Rubber ducky you're the one! You make bath time so much fun!!!

Luke's first sponge bath!

Coming home!

We made our way home with Luke on Monday, May 10th. We were so excited to bring our lil man home!

Luke's Hospital Visitors

Looking all cute with Great Grandma Budd, Great Aunt Cathy, and Mummo Uitti,

cuddling with Grandpa and Grandma Cooley,

talking with Alison and Luke's buddy Ethan,

hanging with my hot teacher girls,

loving on Mummo and Bobo Uitti,

snuggling with Micah and Lisa,

and of course, enjoying it with Brian and Molly.

We were so blessed to have so many loved ones spend time with us while at the hospital!

Our little miracle has arrived!

We would like to introduce Luke Benjamin Morin! Our little buckaroo was born Thursday, May 6th at 11:08 am. Ben and I have loved having this time to get to know this little guy! We adore all of his sweet wrinkles and folds and laugh at each new facial expression Luke gives us while absorbing his new world!

The labor was a pretty quick process. We arrived at the hospital at 4 am on Thursday and they checked me over at Triage. At 5 am I was in my delivery room and by 7 am I was fully diated to 10 cm. They told me we should have this baby by 7:30 am! We couldn't believe it! However, pushing was a different story....after 1 hour of pushing Luke had turn his body and his shoulders were now diagonal to my pelvic bone. With his head completely crowned his shoulders were to broad and he became stuck. The Dr. tried and tried but after a total of 2 hours of pushing we decided that a C-section was the best solution at that point. They wheeled me down quickly and I just remember how bright the light was in the operating room. I heard the doc say, " Hand me the scalpel." I gulped, closed my eyes, and didn't feel a thing. The next thing I remember is hearing Ben's voice say, " Court, it's a boy!" and then I heard the best sound I had ever heard...the cry from my son. I watched as they carried Luke to get measured ( 8 lbs. 9 oz.!!!), cleaned, and saw Ben become a dad for the first time as he watched his sweet, little boy. He asked the nurses, "Can I touch him?" :)

I am feeling great and all 3 of us are happy to be home together. Thank you for all of your warm wishes and prayers. We are thrilled to have Luke meet each of you and feel the love that we are so blessed to be surrounded with...