Luke cracks us up when we read to him. He actually looks at the pictures and pays attention while we read!
The ladies call me Mr. Adorable!
All snuggled in for a walk.
" Hello world. I have to wear these silly mittens because mom is nervous to cut my fingernails."
Luke's feedings are going well and he's waking up around 3 times a night right now. I usually stay up with him for his midnight feeding, then he wakes up around 4 am, and again around 7-8 am. But who knows, this sweet little boy is on his own schedule so this could all change at anytime. :)
Luke's feedings are going well and he's waking up around 3 times a night right now. I usually stay up with him for his midnight feeding, then he wakes up around 4 am, and again around 7-8 am. But who knows, this sweet little boy is on his own schedule so this could all change at anytime. :)