Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Daze

The walk, the fresh air, and being all comfy on mama are all great reasons for a good nap.
Luke going on a walk with mom and dad. He loves being outside!

Luke holding mom's hand ( geez, I love this little boy).

Luke loves to watch TV (already...great). Here he is watching Spain win in the World Cup!
Luke insisted on wearing his soccer shirt for the game. This past weekend Uncle Kris, Uncle Wayne, and Mal also came for a visit. We LOVE us some Cooley time!

We had a great time with Matt and Megan who came over to visit from Kzoo! Great friends, grilling hot dogs, Dairy Queen, and walking downtown equals a perfect way to spend a summer day!!!
With all of the fun we wore this little dude out.
Luke sure loves his Mummo (Grandma) a lot!!!

Just waking up from a nap and lookin' pretty spiffy with plaid shorts and high socks.

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