Sunday, February 13, 2011

Our Lil' Snow Angel

Guess what new munchie Luke likes???
Such a happy boy.
It has been so frigid here that we've been keeping Luke inside. This past weekend though it wasn't as cold and so Luke got to play in the snow for the first time! He LOVED it! Thanks Bing for the cute hat! It kept Lukie nice and warm. :)

We love having family snow days!
Giving Dad the evil eye for waking us up.
With all of Luke's slobber/snot he has taken a liking to Kleenex. He figures if he has to get his nose continuously wiped he might as well have somewhat of a good time.
Reading with mom and his buddy from Aunt Janae.
" I do have hair...check out the bed head people."

I love his pudgy nose pressed against the glass. He loves to slime the windows, sigh.
" Mama, I promise I was just looking."
Luke is all kinds of crawl.
Luke is pulling himself up now! We've been told he's going to be an early walker...the jury is still out on that. :)
" Almost mama..."
Luke popped his 7th tooth!

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