Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Almost Spring!

Luke gearing up for mama's big trip to Nashville this weekend! Sorry Luke...this trip is only for the Banchie ladies!
The hat+overalls=ADORABLE!

Luke has really been into his books lately. He'll flip through them on his own and sometimes "read" out loud when flipping. Recently Luke has not liked to get his diaper changed and we have found that if we give him a book to read it helps distract him and then he's a happy camper. :)

Luke LOVES to walk around while holding on things. He has even figured out how to scale the wall to help him walk.

Just cute....goober nose and all.
Luke loves Dad's new trick! Luke will just laugh and laugh!!
Playing at the park and discovering all new things!
Luke's 1st swing ride!
Dad is Luke's favorite pusher. :)
Looking like such a big boy sporting a vest. The Morin family is READY for spring!

Getting ready to go on our first walk to the park! Luke was trying to figure out these new kickers. :) It was so cute because they are so much clunkier than just walking in his socks. He kept walking on his tip-toes trying to figure them out. :)

Luke celebrating St. Patty's Day! He is our lucky charm. :)
All cuddled and sound asleep with his bum in the air. :)
Luke is wide awake ready for his day unlike the sleepy gremlin (mama) in the back!
Reading with mama before bed one of Luke's favorites Pat the Bunny.

Luke is becoming an old pro when it comes to taking his meds.

Little Lukie has been such a trooper. He has had an icky ear infection for almost 4 weeks now. He's been on 3 different meds and today had his first appointment with an ear, nose, throat doctor. The doc said to try one more time for Luke's body to try and clear itself out and if this doesn't work that we'll be looking at putting tubes in his ears in the next month or so. Luke is still his funny and loving self and luckily this whole ear thing hasn't bothered him the slightest...with a little help from the meds.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

9 Month Pictures!

I LOVE my boys.
Proud and happy to show off his standing skill! Now Luke is getting a little more risky. He's letting go and trying to stand alone. He lasts for a few wobbly seconds and then falls down. Keep trying lovebug you are almost there!
This is the little face that gets me everytime! Luke is now understanding the word no. When we say it to him he'll look back at us and stick his pointer finger in his mouth like he's thinking it over. Then he'll try it again and when we say no again he either gives us the biggest grin or this little face and then he'll wait to see if we smile back. It's so hard to keep a straight face when this little bugger is trying to crack you from saying no!!!
Crawling is almost a thing of the past...walking using the 'ol couch or anything at his standing level is his how he likes to travel. :)
Luke loved the piano! He was so sad when we were all done with these shots.
Chunky monkey.

Our little Valentine trying to swoon the ladies.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Wakin' up with the 'ol stink eye...
Luke was finally able to meet his Great Grandpa and Great Aunt Pam last weekend at Mummo and Bobo's house. They had traveled all the way from Houghton, MI and were stopping by on their way to Florida. Luke had so much fun hanging out with everyone that he skipped his afternoon nap and was still kicking until we left at 8!
This is one of my favorite pics. Precious.

Well, hello there.
Luke was fascinated with Great Grandpa's buttons.
Men, men, men, men...
...and the lovely ladies.
Another ice day for mama so Lukie and I spent some time at the library. Luke is checking out the fish even though I think he was more intrigued by the bubblers. :)
Walking around underneath the table. It's the little things in life...
Luke at his 9 month check-up! Here is our little boy's stats:
Height: 29 3/4 inches (90th percentile)
Weight: 20 lbs. 6 oz. (50th percentile)
Head Circumference: 18 inches (50-75th percentile)
The numbers don't lie Luke...it looks like our baby boy is growing up.