Thursday, March 17, 2011

9 Month Pictures!

I LOVE my boys.
Proud and happy to show off his standing skill! Now Luke is getting a little more risky. He's letting go and trying to stand alone. He lasts for a few wobbly seconds and then falls down. Keep trying lovebug you are almost there!
This is the little face that gets me everytime! Luke is now understanding the word no. When we say it to him he'll look back at us and stick his pointer finger in his mouth like he's thinking it over. Then he'll try it again and when we say no again he either gives us the biggest grin or this little face and then he'll wait to see if we smile back. It's so hard to keep a straight face when this little bugger is trying to crack you from saying no!!!
Crawling is almost a thing of the past...walking using the 'ol couch or anything at his standing level is his how he likes to travel. :)
Luke loved the piano! He was so sad when we were all done with these shots.
Chunky monkey.

Our little Valentine trying to swoon the ladies.


  1. Great pics Court!
    Luke is one handsome baby!

  2. Ahhh! These are ADORABLE! The face you said you "love" is the photo that looks like you Court! Love the family shot :-)
