Monday, February 20, 2012

You know your lil' man is growing up when...

 ... he begins getting haircuts from someone besides his Daddy!
 ... he loves to go out to eat and meet all kinds of friends at the restaurant!
(Happy Birthday Grandma Uitti!)
 ... he is now eating his breakfast/lunch at the counter!
... he begins naming his colors! His first color was blue then orange. Everything is orange right now. :) With an occasional purple, pink, and red in between.
....he points to count objects. He always begins with the numbner 4!
... he can say his own name! On Saturaday morning Luke was in our bed with us reading some books when he saide "Uke!". Since then we have heard it over and over again. :)
... he tells us he has to "poop"!

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