Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A sweet, little girl named Elle...

 Ellie is 2 months old! How in the world did that happen?!
 2 month check-up!
Here are Ellie's stats:
Height: 22 1/2 inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 11 lbs. and 7 oz. (50-75th percentile)
Head Circumference 15 1/4 inches (75th percentile)
She received a set of shots (and Lukey his flu shot) in her thighs but managed just fine.
Dr. Antone reported a healthy check-up!
 Ellie has put herself into her own little routine. She wakes up between 7:30-8:30 am and is mostly awake in the morning with a few short naps here and there. She feeds when she wakes up again 2 hours later and one more time around 12:30 before her long afternoon nap where she's been sleeping for 2-3 hours! She feeds when she wakes up and every few hours before she falls asleep between 9-10 pm for the night. She is still waking up for one night feeding anywhere between 4-6 am.

 Elle is our little laid back angel. She can be pretty comfortable anywhere. Here she fell asleep while playing with her little foot propped up on Ben's leg. :)
 So with this "laid back" personality I'm going to prove that she does know how to get what she wants too! Look below...
 She's pooped after that!
Daddy and his little girl.
 Ellie loves her bath...

 Cutest little piggies on the block.
 All clean, snuggled, and happy.
 Ellie really loves looking at her hanging toys on her playmat!
 A little photo shoot of Elle in her crib...I couldn't get enough of her "little sister" shirt and sweet smile!

Holding her dolly from Grandma. :)

 Grandpa and Grandma Cooley babysat Ellie for us because of a training I went to for teaching. I go back to work on November 1st...I am so thankful everyday I have home with my kids.
 Little nakey baby getting dressed for the day. (It's about 10 am here but whatever.)

 Life is good for our little girl.

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