Saturday, November 3, 2012

Bob the Builder and our lil Strawbooory

Pumpkin painting fun! Much easier than carving at this stage :)

We take our pumpkin painting very seriously around here.

 Lukey showing off his "tattoos."
 Ben shows off Ellie's pumpkin and below we are saying, "Strawbooooooooooory!"
 Posing with our pumpkins before trick-or-treating.
 Please don't judge me for not noticing Ellie's hat had fallen off. It was only for a few seconds!

This year we went to Meghan's house for trick-or-treating! We had a great time with Dylan, Ava, and Ayrton!!! Below the kiddos are eating pizza before we get ready.
 Of course, they ate like 2 bites because they were just so excited. :)
 Luke LOVES his Ava (previously known as Wuv, Wuv) and I love how he's looking at her in these 2 pics! I was downstairs feeding Ellie here and I'm not even sure how Luke's costume got on! 

All geared up!

Back at home looking at Luke's stash he got all by himself this year!

Our sweet strawbooory!

 Bob the Builder!
 Cuteness overload!

Ellie was a trooper the entire night! All smiles :)

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