Lukey and Ellie both had their well visits at the same time this year!
Here are Luke's stats:
Height: 39 1/4 inches (90th percentile)
Weight: 34.4 lbs (50th percentile)
In the picture above Luke is telling the nurse that he is a big guy because he eats all of his vegetables. When the nurse asked him what veggies he likes he said, "yogurt." :)
Later the nurse gave him a plastic cup and asked him if he could go potty in it. You should have seen his face. Luke's response, " That's silly." No urine sample today. :)
Miss Elle's Stats:
Height: 28 inches (50-75th percentile)
Weight: 19.4 lbs. (50-75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 17 3/4 inches (75-90th percentile!)
Ellie is doing great! She has crazy, fluffy hair that sticks every which way. I have resorted to a little bow clip on the top of her head. She is crawling all over and as Luke would say, " She's a mover and a shaker!" She loves to give hugs especially to her Daddy. She "talks" and is convinced that you understand every word. She is clapping, waving to people, and is almost able to pull herself up from sitting to standing. She is having 3 bottles a day and breakfast, lunch and dinner with baby food. She can drink ice water through a's pretty cute because when she sucks the water up it still surprises her when it reaches her mouth :) She has her 1st tooth!!! It's her bottom, middle (left) and her bottom, middle (right) just popped a few days ago. She is gumming on puffs, chopped avocado, and chopped bananas. It's hard to believe she will be one very soon!
Ellie LOVES being outside.
Happy Mother's Day to my beautiful, wonderful mom!!! We celebrated my watching Luke's soccer game and then eating lunch at Macaroni Grill. Luke took our mom picture below. :)
Ellie all comfy with Grandpa.
Ellie is a snuggler and is now sleeping on her tummy most of the time with her blankie.
Memorial Day Weekend!
We had a family picnic dinner our downtown park before Kelly arrived in town for the weekend!
Celebrating Memorial Day on the deck with grilled steaks...yummo!
Luke calls this "Lukey's park" even though it is my parent's next door neighbors...good thing they are such nice people!
"Hug me because I'm just happy and cute!"
I can't get enough of those cheeks...they are delicious.
Ellie wearing "big girl" jammies for the 1st time!
Showing off her jammies and looking JUST like her Daddy in this picture!
Watch Ellie in one of the first times she crawled! She has an interesting way of movin' and groovin'...
A little princess...