Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Tis the Season

As soon as December hits, it is full on Christmas mode around the town! 
Here we are at the Library's annual Polar Express event. 2 out of the 3 were really excited to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas this year!
Luke wants an invisible pen, a football helmet, and . Elle wants a rainbow house. Good luck Santa trying to figure that one out!
But this little elf sure is cute.
Writing out their letters to Santa.

Mailing them to the North Pole.

Sugar cookie decorating time. I ate just a few of these...The frosting was SO good!

Me and my girl.
The reading of The Polar Express by our favorite Mayor Barnett. 
Making our reindeer food to put out on Cmas Eve!
We are ready to board the Polar Express!
And we are off on the trolley, taking a tour of the light show downtown. 
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

This was our Christmas photo shoot fail. The 2 pics below, are taken in our Church Kids wing. 

Of course, our Christmas cookies...

Drew is just tired with all of this cookie biz.

Luke's Holiday party at school!
Making gingerbread houses...

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