Sunday, May 1, 2016

Spring Fever!

Ben and Luke celebrated Dads and Donuts at Luke's school a few weeks ago. So you know what that meant...Moms and Donuts was for sure happening at home! 
We are so blessed to have the Frost family as life-long buddies! Brad and Becky took Ben in as he was ever so lonely for me, when working as a hall director at the University of Toledo. Since then, we make time to spend a weekend together at least every other year and we love them! Luke and Ellie look forward to seeing their Lily and Ellie and often ask, "When are we going to Ohio?" 
This time they were up to stay with us for the weekend and we had a blast! The last time I was preggers with Drew, so we had lots of talking to do and we easily made it to 3 am both nights. 
We had such a fun time going to Luke's baseball game, eating dinner downtown ( and the kids got their own table and did great!), playing at the park, strolling downtown for ice cream...wonderful!

Below the kids were posing as manikins. :)  
We have a WALKER folks!!! The last Morin member is walking! It only took him 15 mos but we are so proud of our little Drewman. Look at that smile...He is pretty proud too.
Here is a video of this little fella...
Luke is in "full swing" (pun fully intended) of his baseball season. First game he had a home run! This kid LOVES baseball. I think it is his favorite so far.

Ben is coaching with his buddy Coach Ryan again. 

Next weekend, the kiddos had a special day with Uncle Tom and Aunt Cathy!
First stop was the baseball game...
Then off to Oakland University to see a theater program of Curious George...

Finally, topped it off with a visit to Auntie Megs salon! What did the parentals get to do?? Lunch date with our littlest little. :)
Sunday we were off to the Tiger's game right after church! This was Elle and Drew's first Tiger's game!
First, a trip on the baseball Ferris Wheel!

Elle was so excited to get her face painted! After the painter was done she gave Elle a mirror to see her face. Elle looked at herself, smiled and then asked, "Could you add some more pink?" I laughed out loud. This girl! 

Dad, Tiger's, and a Larabar is Drew's current definition of Heaven.

The kids got to run the bases after the game!
We were back with Drew because of the stroller and the two of them were off! They both held hands to run together and then in happened. The sheer excitement and joy overtook Luke and he sped off running those bases as fast as his growing legs could carry him. He was a Tiger in that moment. I was so happy for him! However, this left Elle back somewhere between home and first. She had no idea where to run next, completely confused and sad that her brother had left her, she began crying and yelling for me. I ran over and we finished the bases holding hands. We were the very last ones to make it around. You can see the raker lady behind us trying to hurry us up. Same exact moment, two completely different experiences. I love being a mama.
Entering onto the field! 
Luke with his glove, running around, pretending to catch the ball, still living the dream as a pro. 
What my mornings look like and sound like in this fleeting moment of time...

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