Thursday, July 7, 2016

Love Wins

It's hard to believe it....We have been married for 10 YEARS!! We were able to celebrate with an early dinner downtown Detroit at the cutest restaurant called the Townhouse. Then we were off to the Tiger's game for WMU night! Love wins :)
Look at all of the empty seats around us :) Oh, we love you Western!

Tiger's win!
Drew loves to play all things ball. Watch the movie below with D playing football with his sibs.
Patrice was home from SC and stopped in for the afternoon!

Luke was a very lucky kiddo...Auntie Meg and Uncle Chad invited Ben and Luke to go to a Tiger's game to celebrate Auntie Meg's birthday! A special bonus was that Chad knows the catcher for the bull pen so they got special access to batting practice on the field AND one of Cleveland Indian players gave Luke a game ball!!!! 

Happy birthday, Auntie Meg! We love you! 
There it is...An official MLB baseball.
Luke can tie his shoes! 
Watch the video...He is pretty cute and it's a great idea for an informational book on tying shoes!
Luke has his first job and he is taking it pretty seriously! Luke is earning a dollar a day to water our neighbor's flowers while they are at their cottage house for the summer. Teaching him young!

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