Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Surviving the largest power outage EVER in Michigan!

March is reading month and in full force at the Morin household. These little kiddos are our little all star readers and this mama's lap is happily full.
Rowing the boat in a wintery March.
This week we are registering Elle for kindergarten! How is this even possible?!? Every week at her preschool they learn a letter of the alphabet. This week they are doing "V" week and today had fun watching a volcano erupt. She carries over her love of school and learning to home and is busy practicing her letters.
Drew loves his "choo-choo" books (of course, Thomas :)) and Luke has been loving reading them to him. They are just so cuddled and sweet.

Eating lunch after preschool. Look at that face, Drew!
Last week they were learning all about birds at Kid Care. Here are Drew's and Elle's answers to their "whiteboard" question. I love Elle's answer.

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