Friday, September 15, 2017

Boyne Mountain

Off from Elle's Dr.'s apt. and on the road! Ben had a work conference up at Boyne Mountain and he thought it might be fun for all of us to go up there too. I hadn't been there in years and only then it was in the winter so I wasn't completely convinced about what it would have to offer the kiddos BUT boy, was I surprised! 
Above: A quick pit stop at kiddo's McD's and don't mind if I do have a Qdoba bowl instead. :) It sure is getting easier and quicker being able to stop and feed the whole family. No more diaper changes, high chairs, bibs, or even booster seats. 
Had to capture the moment below...Everyone able AND happy to carry in their own suitcase to the hotel! Score one for the parents! 
Ben was whisked away quickly to have dinner and drinks with his co-workers and we headed to the lobby to see what there was to do! Hayride in 3 min.! We ran out the doors to find a tractor pulling a trailer of hay and so up we went on our first adventure.
Doesn't Elle look so grown up in the picture below. I just love that little girl.
After the hayride, there was s'more fun (haha!) down at the bonfire pit!
And some time to unwind before bedtime in the lobby. We utilized every amenity they offered AND when you have 3 kiddos and flying solo in a hotel, that's how you roll. 
Daddy is back and we are all happy he is here before lights out. Our current hotel sleeping situation, we have been having a boys bed with all three and Ellie and I in our bed. I love having this stage! The little, precious snuggles from night till morning fill this mama right up. However, I don't sleep with Drew, who is known to steam roll over, put feet in face etc. all through the night. :)
Wakey, wakey! Bfast of champions before heading out for another day of adventure!
Drew excited for the day!
First up, lawn games...
Then celebrating Elle's legit 5th birthday downtown Petoskey! 

Andy, Ben's co-worker, joined us for dinner at the Mighty Fine Pizza place. We were starving and the gooey bread sticks, greasy pizza, and cookie dough balls for dessert hit the spot. 
Happy "for real life" birthday, sweetie Ellie. (For real life is an Ellie original expression) 
The picture perfect shot.
The real, wow that sun is bright, shot.
We took our deliciousness seaside.
And then back to Boyne for our chairlift extravaganza. 
Ellie was the most nervous to go on a chairlift which surprised us but she kept linking it to the zip line at Springhill. So I pretty much pulled her on with me when the lift made the turn. Once she was on though she LOVED it!! She was so proud of herself too like she had conquered a ride.

The boys behind us...
Me and my #1 gal pal.
And we made it to the top of the Mountain!  One of my favorite family memories from Summer 2017.
My view from the girls bed :)

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