Saturday, March 10, 2018

Finishing up winter...We think?!

 Ellie's 1st Daddy/Daughter Dance!! She was SO excited for this special dance with Ben. The original night was canceled due to a snow day that day at her school so she was ready to go when the night arrived!
Ben picked her up at the door. (Teaching her the ways to be treated right!)

I am unsure how hearts are created to love so much but my heart was bursting during these pics. Both of them were just so excited!

 A pretty corsage on our beautiful girl and dance moves are underway!

Her boys love her so much. Notice Drew in his shorts. One funny things about this little man. If he is home or when he does get home, the VERY FIRST thing he does is change into shorts. He calls them his "shorty's" and he is insistent on wearing them.

 First off, a special dinner with Dad at McDonald's!
 Then off to the dance at her school! Here are some pics Ben took of Elle with her girls. :) I love seeing her make such special friendships. 

 AND here is my view back at home with these 2 crazies! Yes, Luke has on Drew's pajamas...5 sizes too small. As our little girl was stealing her Dad's heart for the night, these 2 were stealing mine with their shenanigans!
 What a night!
Earlier that day, Meghan happened to be at Drew's school with Zaydee, and sent me this pic. He got a silver medal in one of the Olympic "events" they were hosting that day. That face.
Next morning, off to swim school! I have to figure out how to download videos again on here! Luke has mastered the breast stroke, the back stroke, and almost mastered the dolphin kick. Elle is also swimming the whole lane of the pool now as well in both the breast stroke and back stroke. Drew is killing it in jumping under water and with his kicks and pulls. 
 Then to Frankenmuth to celebrate Grandma Uitti on her birthday! Happy birthday, Gma! We love you!
 That week, we had some spring weather! Off to the park and bike rides for us. Ellie was a little rusty at first on her 2-wheeler but picked it back up quickly on our way to the park.
 Friday, Papa U. surprised Ben and Luke with tickets to the UvM men's hockey game. Luke was able to bring his buddy Jon along too!

 Back at home we had fun going to the kids' International Festival at their school! Then, Ellie wanted to sleep with Drew for the night. :)

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