Friday, January 4, 2019

Merry Christmas 2018

 I really don't know how Ben has done it, but every year he convinces all 3 kiddos to go to our bedroom first when they wake up. And every single year they listen!!! They don't even go for a sneak peak! Ben goes and gets "Christmas ready"...Turning on the lights, fire, Christmas music and even makes me my cup of coffee. I get to stay in my cozy, warm bed cuddling 3 VERY excited munchkins. When everything is set the kids go running out! Above is the "view" he captured. We are "Christmas ready"!

Santa arrived! Below are the gifts this year from Santa!
Luke SOOOO very excited to go running out to see the presents!!! I need to back up because this guy and Ben wake up at 6 am, Luke covers his eyes, and the two of them sneak downstairs to play video games until our two littles wake up. Once they are up, he then snuggles with us until our house is "Christmas" ready. Luke will tell you Christmas morning is his FAVORITE! He loves having all of that time with Ben, playing video games, and having the anticipation and excitement of what's to come!!
They chose to do stockings first! Drew also got his sweet doggie from Santa. He named her Lucy after Uncle B's dog.
Then those 2 identical Santa gifts for Luke and Elle...

A tablet for each of them!!!!!! Luke wanted this soooo badly. Ellie asked for a donkey to ride on and a bear she could get inside of but she was super excited about the tablet as well. :) 

Drew opening his "big" present from Mom and Dad...Paw Patrol vehicles and friends!

Those cheeks and lips. 😍

Opening gifts lasted almost 4 hours this year and not because there were anymore gifts then usual. We really took our time and it was wonderful! We even stopped halfway through to make breakfast and enjoy our tradition of Christmas morning Cinnamon Rolls.
Merry Christmas!!
Ben opening his gifts from our kiddos that they had bought from the Santa Shop at school.
Luke got Ben a new pen for work. 🎔

Ellie got Ben a little Santa light. 🎔

Luke opening his present from Papa and Gma C...
Swim lessons at Goldfish!
And a Ukulele!! They started playing the Ukulele in Music at school and so Luke really wanted one to practice at home!
A new game of Zingo! All of the kids played this at NC3 so they are big fans.
Ellie got Drew a Santa light from the school Santa Shop!

My presents from the school Santa Shop. Luke got me a ring with a green gem and Ellie got me a new coffee mug that says, " You do you, Girl." I love them!!
Fun presents from Aunt Pam in the U.P.!
More fun presents from Auntie Nae!
This. It makes me happy for them and cringe all at the same time. I see lots of conversation to come.
Playing a game of Zingo!
We enjoyed having a slow morning full of excitement! 

This year we hosted Christmas for Ben's family for the first time! Everyone arrived and the tree was restocked. :)
Buddies loving on their doggies.
Papa and Gma U. enjoying it with sweet, little Harlow! Look how precious she is!!
Uncle Tom carving the ham for me! Also, a shout to Gma C. who helped me all the way in Florida to prepare this thing!
The dessert table!
Main Course...
Appetizers, drinks and family...It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

Kid table for life.
We did it, babe. 
Sweet Harlow giving Gma kisses!!
Present time!

Harlow standing like such a big girl!

Three generations of these beautiful gals! ♡

Aunt Cathy's college friend, Kate, joined us too!

Drew helping G.G. open her gift. ♡

Merry Christmas to ALL and to ALL a goodnight. 

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