Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Daddy Daughter Dance 2019!!

Ellie and Ben's 2nd Daddy Daughter Dance and it did not disappoint!

Sweet Elle making her appearance for her brothers to see...
Ellie, you are so beautiful inside and out baby girl. 
Dad showing her early how women should be treated! A front door welcome, kind words, and a corsage. 
Ellie was SO excited for this night. I mean like weeks she was talking about this! Her excitement makes it so special for all of us. Look at sweet Drew watching and soaking in the excitement too...

Oh, my heart!

Proud brothers!
Haha, look at Drew's disgruntled face with the kisses!
And they're off....

Her girls! 

Ben ended the night with milkshakes at Ram's Horn!
Meanwhile, just a Mom and her boys cuddling in front of the fire and watching Incredibles 2.

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