Saturday, September 22, 2018

Closing Time now a Preschooler, 1st Grader and 3rd Grader

For Luke's birthday, yes all the way back in May, he asked for a day with just Mom and Dad and a round of mini-golf. What a sweet boy! So here we are, over Labor Day weekend, the LAST weekend before school starts and our birthday boy waited so patiently to cash in his birthday coupon. We love you so much, Luke!

And of course batting cage time! I could not believe Luke when I saw him hit. He was banging the balls over the batting machines!

The next day our friend Karen came to spend the day with us as she was in visiting from Seattle. It is always so GREAT to catch up with one of our favorite Broncos! So, we had Megs, Chad and Harlow over to BBQ with us too.
And here we are...Another wonderful summer comes to a close. We have had many wonderful memories that we will all cherish for a lifetime. I am so grateful.

Ellie filling out her yearly interview sheet before the 1st day of 1st grade!
Drew filling out his own day before preschool starts interview sheet...
AND the first day of school!

Ellie is a FIRST grader! 
I can't believe how grown up this little sunshine is now!
Luke is a 3rd grader!! 
Be still my heart, as this is my first child who is in the same grade that I teach!
My heart is just bursting!
Ben driving them to SAC for the first time this school year.
Meanwhile, back at home, I am with this cool dude getting him ready for his first day back at NC3 Preschool!

I just had to add this last pic, that cheesy grin just gets me every time!
Cheers to another year of growth, learning, routine, development and laughter in the midst of the crazy!

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