Friday, June 10, 2022

Elite, Art Show, Gymnastics, Memorial Day, LAST DAY of SCHOOL


Ben was driving Luke to his baseball tourney and on our group app all the dads were taking selfies driving their son. Ben posted this pic and I laughed so hard!
Michigan Elite baseball is up and going full throttle. Pic below is from the tournament in Canton.
Pic below is tournament in Columbus, OH.
Pics below are from the tournament in Grand Rapids.

Grilling out after the games...
In between games we had time for a haircut and pizza!

We make as many games as we can! However, there are some times we have to send Luke with another family. Here is how we roll when we are not with Elite...Watching the app to cheer them on from afar!
This is what the app looks like so we can watch the game in live time.

Celebrating Chase's birthday! After playing baseball all weekend, of course they wanted to watch a game at Jimmy John's Field!

Luke catching a nap when he can.
Drew playing 1st on the Giants!
And Drew practicing with Ben during Ellie's soccer game halftime! (We get creative with our time. 😊)
Cheering on our favorite number 9!! Go, Ellie!

Ellie's " Enchanted Zoo"was nominated to be part of the RCS Art Show! Here is Elle with her Art teacher Ms. Molnar.
Ellie worked on all of the "Enchanted Zoo" with her Art group but the penguin exhibit below was all her! 
Celebrating Coach Ryan (Elite 1st baseman) at his Retirement Party from the Coast Guard!
Ellie was asked to join the competitive gymnastics team! However, due to the rigorous schedule, she would have to give up travel soccer. She made the big decision to stay in rec gymnastics so she can continue to grow in both. Life is all about decisions and we are proud of her for making the call and owning it!

Dinner with the family at Sagebrush.
Papa and Gma Cooley were able to come and stay a night over Memorial Day weekend with us!
Ellie with her favorite twins, Kaitlyn and Nicole!
Ellie was in a book club at her school during the Spring term. They met on Thursday mornings before school and together they read the book Out of My Heart written by Sharon M. Draper. At their last meeting, they were tasked to give a presentation to the parents of the Club. I surprised Ellie that morning and got her up and ready extra early so we could celebrate by going to breakfast together downtown before the Club started! We had so much fun AND our bill was picked up by a stranger in the restaurant. We are so blessed to live in an amazing community.💜
Ellie presenting!
With her book club teacher (Mrs. Martin) and the rest of the presenters.
Drew!! Go number 4!!!

While at Luke's tourney in Grand Rapids, Ben stayed home with Elle and Drew. He surprised Ellie by taking her to see the musical Evita!
Field Day at McGregor! It must almost be summer!
Sweet Drew. I love you so, so much.
Drew had a GREAT Little League season! Drew's favorite positions were 1st and catcher!
After Ellie's soccer practice, she stepped up to the plate (pun totally intended) and played catcher for the team to practice batting!
Cutest catcher ever!
Ellie catching for Drew. Own it, girl.
Ellie's end of the year party at school with her besties: Ophelie, Amelia, Riley and Ellie.
Drew so proud of his number scroll that he completed in first grade. He was 1-2 students to reach the 8,000's!
Drew spent an afternoon with Aunt Cathy! What a fun day they had exploring Bloomer Park!

And here we are...THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!
Last day of 6th grade for Luke!
Bria, our morning babysitter, was such a blessing to us this year! She arrived every morning to our house at 7:30, got Elle and Drew ready and all packed up for school, and got them on their bus at 8:20. We were are so grateful for her!
Elle's last day of 4th grade and Drew's last day of 1st!

Waiting for the bus...

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