Saturday, June 18, 2022

Sports for days!

Drew made the All-Star game for his Little League division!
Ben volunteered to coach the game with his coaches and they had a blast! They didn't come away with the W but it was very cool watching players from each team to come together to play.

The players from the Giants team... Starting at the left: Ronan, Max, Drew, and Caleb!
With the best Little League coaching team!
And of course, with our FAVORITE coach ever.
Then the Giants had their last game for the season. We had so much fun!!! Drew love it! And I know, Ben absolutely loved it! 
Here are the Giants warming up for the last game. Luke got to help out a lot this season too. You can see Luke (red shorts), Drew in the middle (white pants), and Ben getting ready to throw.
Go, Drew!!
This team loves Coach Morin! They gave him all kinds of love after our last game.

Season is over but the practicing continues
Ellie was in a basketball camp at her future high school, Stoney Creek High, the first week of summer! The camp was put on by the SCHS Ladies Varsity coaches and team. She had so much fun and loved it! It was pretty special to see her playing in her future gym.

Ellie playing the recorder that she learned in Music class during her 4th grade year.
Summer is for friends!

Luke was also at a basketball camp this week! His camp was at Rochester College and his good buddies Danny (pic below) and Joey went with him.

GO, Luke!
I got a Banchie night in with my besties at Bing's house in Grand Rapids! Always the best time.
Elite won their tourney in Flat Rock!

Summer, we love you!

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