Saturday, August 6, 2022

Celebrating Milestones! Ellie's 10th, Luke's Engineering Camp, Drew learns to Tie and Papa Retires!!

Ellie's 10th birthday partay!! The girls made their own shirt jerseys and then played basketball!

Happy, happy birthday Elle!
Drew, you did it!! All 3 kids can tie their own shoes!
Taking a walk to the park in those new tie sneaks!
Luke took a week long Engineering camp on OU's campus!! He loved it!
Thank you, Uncle Tom and Aunt Cathy!

Our kids are getting big and the wood was beginning to rot and so we made the decision to get rid of the swing set. This made me tear up a bit but it was time. Time, slow down!
Papa Uitti retired in August and we threw him a surprise party! The whole family got to celebrate together. We are so happy for you Mom and Stan!!

I couldn't tell which one everyone was looking so I added all of the takes :)
We LOVE our family!!!


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