Sunday, August 14, 2022

Cottage 2022

The Cottage trip, Summer 2022, always hits the spot. We are grateful for another week of memories and moments to hold onto as we soak up summer for as long as we can!

This year we all went to the driving range to practice our swing!

Then off to the golf course!

We love shopping at our up north Tom's, now converted to Family Fare, and then eating all of the yummy food for the week! We still meal prep, even on vacation.
The Cove for ice cream!
New playground equipment at the marina to play on!
Lots of quiet, calm, reading, family games, and cuddles...Yes, please!

We went canoeing for the first time as a family on the Au Sable!!
Luke and I in one canoe and man, did we do life together in those 2 hours (6 miles)! We told stories, got frustrated with each other, laughed so hard we cried, cruised fast, crashed in the weeds  all of the above. We had so much fun and we were so glad when we turned that last bend and we had reached the end!  
 Luke, I love you buddy!
Elle, Drew, and Ben cruised along next to us and our shenanigans. 


Pride Rock.

Flying kites!

We love you, Cottage!!


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