Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cute as a Button!

Luke is such a little slobber mouth with all of his bubble blowing and hand sucking antics!
Awwwww, so sweet. I love kissing those chubby cheeks!

Luke is already for bed and getting some last minute playtime with Dad. Luke is like his parents in that he LOVES going to sleep!


  1. I miss Luke!!! He is cuter than a button! ha, love these pics Ben and Court, it's so fun to watch him grow and see what you are up to. It looked like you had a great time at your family's cottage, that must have been awesome family time for you guys. The picture of Luke's little sandy feet is adorable! Love you! :)

  2. Oh my gosh Luke already looks SOOOOOO much bigger and different from when I saw him! You got him in the exersaucer...yay!!! He really is cute as a button! Miss you guys too pieces :-(

  3. He is changing so much! We miss you guys already and can't wait to see you in September :)
