Sunday, January 26, 2014

A glimpse into a weekend day with us...

A friend had asked me what we had planned for Saturday. "Nothing really," I replied. " Just spending time with the family!" But then I got to thinking about it and I thought on top of breakfast, am snack, lunch, nap, pm snack, dinner, bath and bedtime...What does a typical Saturday look like for our family at this stage in the game??? See below for the answer...
After breakfast it is drawing time! On the windows that is with the spiffy window markers.
 18 month check-up!
Our sweet Ellie will be 11/2 years old tomorrow! How does time go by so fast?!
Here are her stats:
Height: 31 1/2 inches, 50th percentile
Weight: 23 lbs., 50-75th percentile
Head circumference: 18 1/2, 75th percentile
A few little Ellie quirks that I want to always hold onto...
1. Ellie hates when a blanket covers her feet. When rocking her I will put her blankie on and she will tug her blankie off her feet. If she can't get it she will whine, "Stuck," and then when she gets the blankie off she says, " There,".  
2. When reading to her you know that she is really comfy and settled in when she puts her right hand behind her head. If she is really relaxing both hands will rest behind her head.
3. She LOVES Mickey Mouse and calls him hot dog because of the hot dog song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
4. I love when she grabs a book and will come over to you and just plop down in your lap.
5. Ellie will melt anyone's heart. Everywhere I go she captivates everyone's attention and she eats it right up. We were in the Meijer line and a very serious face man stood in line behind us. Because Ellie was sitting in the front of the cart while I was putting groceries on the counter she sat there staying at the man. " Oh great," I thought because I knew Ellie wouldn't stop staring at him until she oogled over her. Sure enough a few minutes in of her smiling eyes staring at him he gave in. " She is so adorable!" and then went on to tell me all about his own kids.
 On to playing around...A favorite right  now is pulling Ellie around on the sled. She is so chill she just lies there and goes with it.
 Lukey's swim lesson and this kid is a fish! He is swimming underwater 1/2 down the swim lane, turns on his back, turns back and swims back to the edge.

 Almost 1/2 way...Proud of you little dude!
 Mom and Elle are off to Meijer and the boys were off to Ben's school to help package food for homeless families! Luke was the youngest volunteer and Ben said he rocked it. He worked for an entire hour "on the line" before asking for a break. :)

 Luke wanted to do some work in his Daddy's office before leaving for the day...
 Up from nap, fed, and dressed for the Ice and Fire festival downtown Rochester!
 Brrrrr...It was really cold out there.
 Wrapping up at the bottom of the tubing hill! Luke and I rode a double tube down the slope and had fun bouncing off the sides. Luke giggled the whole way down. He loved it BUT it wasn't as fast as our own Bloomer park sledding trails!

 Cupcake Station after the bitter cold...
 Ending the night with the Fireworks! We watched them from inside the car. :)


Poor Elle wanted to go on the ride too!!! Next year babycakes!
And call it a night!

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