Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snow Day...Again!

 We are a family who LOVES snow days! Ben has had a stretch of 4 in a row and I've had 3 in a row. Altogether we each have had 7 snow days and it's not even February! Love and miss our students, of course, but I cherish these days as I get to act like a stay at home mom!! Dropping Luke off at preschool, picking him up and seeing him playing with his little buddies and getting to chat with his wonderful teachers, taking Ellie to her swim class, eating a quick lunch, then enjoying the daily open swim at Goldfish (LOVE!), cuddling with books before nap, then an ALL family nap...sigh. Ben has loved taking the kiddos to Bloomer to go down our sledding hills! There are 3 courses and Luke has decided that the first course is too bumpy because last Friday Ben took both kids on the sled and it kicked snow in their faces. Both kids love it!
Love Michigan. It is so beautiful in all 4 seasons!

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