Saturday, January 11, 2014

Two little fishies...

 Grandpa and Grandma Cooley bought the kiddos 6 months of swimming lessons for Christmas! We were so excited for Luke to start back up again because he stopped last June and we're thrilled to get our littlest fish in the pool! Luke jumped back into his lessons well and is swimming underwater by himself...for a short distance. :) He loves it and has no reservations. Ellie began last night and I was so excited to be going to her first lesson with her. Her classes are during the days so Jacque, our nanny, will be taking her on a weekly basis. However, because of our snow days and then with Goldfish's pipes freezing we were able to reschedule so I could go with her. She was completely chill and loved being in the water.

Relaxing with mommy...
Cuddled after swim lessons, flu shots at the Dr.'s, and waiting for lunch.


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