Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Gigi is 90!!! Happy Birthday, Gma and Gigi!

Today we celebrated Gigi/Grandma Budd!! Gma turned 90! This was such a special day for so many reasons. We celebrated Gma and her beautiful life. We also spent the day knowing this would probably be our last, spending time with Gma at her home. A few weeks later, Gma would be moving into an assisted living home in Ann Arbor to be closer to Uncle Tom and Aunt Cathy. Gma has had Alzheimer's for a few years. Family was able to help to keep her in her home for as long as possible but it became time. We have so many memories with family together in this home. Today was a very special day.
Elle created a birthday scavenger hunt for her Gigi.

Ben asked his Gma to make her homemade specialty with him...Her potato salad. It really is the best. So together the 2 of them chopped and cooked and we made notes on her recipe so that we can make sure to keep her recipe alive.

We love you so, SO much Gma.

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