Saturday, January 2, 2021

Break: Covid Edition

Sooo after I tested positive on Christmas we had to cancel our family Christmas at our house as well as our UP trip. There is always a silver lining though! At least we were all ok, we were still on break and there is always a lot of fun right here at home!

Ben took the kids to Ford Field to watch our WMU Broncos get the W in their bowl game!

We went sledding at our park.
I was out of isolation!! So out to the movies to go see Sing 2! (SO good!)
Ben and Ellie made a tie blanket from Gma U.!
The boys spent a night creating "Dude Perfect" like tricks in the hallway. Lots of ping pong balls, toilet paper, and ramps were being used.
Speaking of Broncos...Here are the OGs!
I was SO grateful that I could be in GR for our banchie Cmas! 
Mom and Stan still headed up to the UP and they returned with all sorts of gifts from Aunt Pam and Don!

Thank you, Aunt Pam and Don! Love you guys and we are hoping to get back up to the UP over the summer!
This was the break when Drew really took off building Legos by himself. He would build them at his little desk in his room...So  cute.
More sledding.

A few practices for Luke with baseball. This guy 💗💗
We were finally able to celebrate Cmas with Auntie Megs, Uncle Chad, Harlow and Gavin. We had SO much fun! We went late into the night and the kids were just having so much fun too. 

Elle made homemade muffins the next morning with her new cooking gear and cookbooks from Auntie Megs and Uncle Chad!

Drew has started up his winter baseball camp twice a week with his best buddy Caleb. The " Little Dogs".


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