Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Spring is here!

Fully vaccinated!! Shot 2 for COVID! Ben and I are SO thankful!!
Papa and Gma C. surprised Luke with a huge bball cookie cake!
Drew's 6 year well visit!
Drew's stats: 
Height: 46.5 inches-50-75th percentile
Weight: 46 lbs. 

The perfect Saturday. Sorry, reading and the fire.
Another favorite around here...Guess Who?!
Ben teaching Elle how to rollerblade!

Drew hopped on his 2-wheeler for the 1st time this season..." It's just like riding a bike."
Soooo, we said goodbye to our last little coupe...Drew took it for one last drive.
Making the Leprechaun trap! Lucky got away AGAIN this year!! That little bugger.

Harlow's birthday!!! Big girl turned THREE 3!!! We love you SO, SO much sweet girl!

We are so grateful to RCS for giving us our own bus to transport Luke in his wheelchair to and from school. So awesome! On the way to school the bus is just for Luke. On the way home, all three get to ride together and the bus is JUST for our family. 


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