Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Welp...First one to be Over the Hill

 It is so hard to believe. I remember when my Mom turned 40! We were at the Embassy Suites Hotel as a family. Dad took her to a concert while Janae and I stayed back ALONE in the hotel. I thought that was so cool. We had cheesecake with cherries on top to celebrate Mom. I remember my Uncle Steve's 40th. We were all in TC in the dining room for cake. We celebrated my Grandma Johnson's bday too. Her bday is on May 31. And now. I'm celebrating a birthday that my own kids will remember!! 

My favorite...Reese's Peanut Butter Cup!
Drew was pretty pumped too!
Sweet Luke showing his mad skills on crutches.

I had to close my eyes...
There was this fancy candle that played music and spun!

And it blossomed open!

Ben surprised me with not one but two new pairs of shoes!! This guy knows how to speak right to my heart.
Each of my babies wrote me the most beautiful bday letters. Elle wrote me poetry. Drew labeled a picture of him and I playing together. Luke wrote a persuasive essay about why I was the best mom. All 3 of my children are so special in their own unique way. My heart is completely full AND with that...Happy 40th to me. :)

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